Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Record breakers in our midst (boltonclarion)

Record breakers in our midst.
At the end of my latest escapade on the Tarleton 10 mile time trial course I witnessed an incident with some amusement and some respect.
On a lousy night for some, me more than others, I had sailed through the finish with great pain in shattered legs. After a brief low geared saunter down the continuing lane, willing the pain to subside, I returned to the finish area to return the number nine pinned to the back of my jersey. Before I got there I saw two cyclists, a mere hundred yards or so past the finish timekeeper, on the floor by the side of their tandem, both squealing in pain. First thoughts were they had come a cropper after going through the finish but quickly realised they were agonising and writhing on the floor with the same dreaded pain in their legs that I too experienced, but, obviously further into purgatory than I had dared to be. I recognised the colours of a former club of mine, Leigh Premier r.c. and the wearer of one of them, a former Bolton clarion member Darren Topping.
Two days later I realised the significance of this painful event whilst visiting Geoff Smith’s bike shop, who should be in the shop but Darren Topping. Commenting on what I had seen on Thursday, in response Darren explained that they had been making an attempt on the club tandem ten mile record. I’m sure the pain had been doubled by the realisation that it was a gallant but failed attempt. I tenuously asked who held the record, though I suspected I already knew, ‘some guy called Whittle’ and Street I suggested. ‘Yes’ was the reply.
Our own Charlie Whittle, along with former Bolton member Nev Street, set the record, 21 minutes thirteen seconds, over thirty five years ago Now don’t run away with the idea that the club must not have had quality members since, not so, in that time the club had seen many great riders.
Looking at a dinner dance, presentation night programme I still have, dated 1978, I see the list of club records also includes Ray Fairclough. Ray held the fifty tandem record and was in the team ‘12’ hour record. Nev and Charlie also held the ‘25’ and the ‘30’ records.
The pairing of Nev and Charlie also held place to place records that once were popular, the mind boggling,
1 hour 22 minutes 12 seconds, Leigh – Knutsford – Leigh. Leigh – Chester – Leigh, 2 hours 20 minutes, WoW!
Also on the 1978 programme of award winners, Charlie Whittle, bronze ‘25’ championship, Ray Fairclough, bronze ‘50’ championship and silver ‘12’ hour championship. Included as well is a certain Anthony Bowles, 2nd ‘Most improved rider competition’.
So next time you see Charlie gigging on the dance floor, remember his record breaking exploits on the tandem. I don’t know if the other records are still standing but one that certainly still stands is the thirty odd year old ‘ten’, the ‘Silver Fox ‘ reigns.