Thursday, 4 April 2013

Bernard's Car Wash ride.

Bernard's Car Wash Ride

I took up Bernard's invitation for the car wash ride, well I was interested, but Thursday morning wind had trees leaning over at 45 degrees coming in from the north east. I set off for the Beehive meeting place on a fixed wheel bike fully intending to take my own route to Mere Brow where the cafe is situated. Meeting the others I ignored the offer of joining them despite promises of an 'easy pace', I've heard that before, but not being very fit I declined.
My route was via Chorley and Worden Park and despite blustery winds it wasn't bad going in the morning sunshine.
Leaving Leyland with a great tail wind I headed for Croston and the road leading to the well known rickety bridge where I had a great surprise. A feature of riding over the bridge was the racket and noise as the loosely laid thick planks of wood jumped up and down under the wheels of the bike, thud thud thud.
Today I found the planks had been replaced by steel hollow planks, newly laid with a pale green look about then, upward facing dimples drilled in the middle are obviously for grip, give a strange but interesting look to the bridge. I rode along and found the steel planks behaved under the wheels in just the same way as the old wooden ones but the noise was now a tinnie rattling racket though the ride is nice and smooth, I quite enjoyed the new experience.
At Sollom I looked forward to the trip across the wide open agricultural space along Green lane, the wind seemed almost gale force and it was blowing me along at time trial pace while barely touching the pedals. In no time at all I was across the wide open expanse and entering the car wash cafe.
Just two bikes parked outside meant I was the first to arrive and as the others had taken the short cut it was a surprise. I reasoned that a puncture problem had led to a delay and I was one hundred per cent sure of the person to whom fate decreed the sad event.
I was unprepared for the next event as I looked out through the window while chatting to the two cyclists already in the cafe, up rolled Bernard along with several LRC members, had he turned traitor and left our lot?
A sheepish looking Bernard then began the tale he had been made aware of via mobile phone. I seems that as spare tubes and a broken pump had led to a decision by three to return to Rivington tea room. The puncture incident took place as he, Bernard, was hell bent on the fastest pace possible and failed to hear or heed shouts from behind, thank god I declined the invitation to accompany them. It was pure coincidence that the LRC arrived at the same time. Ken Bath, a former member was with Bernard and we had a good chinwag while dining, me devouring a 'big breakfast barm', egg bacon and sausages, as a healthy eating option.
Time to return home and once again I took the wind into consideration and plotted my route, it would be narrow lanes and hedgerows in order to negate much of the wind problem. Bernard manfully headed into the wind along with Ken and another lad, I think I made the better choice.
I managed to get back home trouble free, well almost, on approaching Adlington from Coppull the wide open main road I could not miss riding into a full on head wind that buckled my knees on the long drag past the wood yard, I was on the verge of a bonk.
After gaining the Windmill pub I made a brief stop to capture the scene across the reservoir of Rivi and Winter Hill, despite the cold wind it was a beautiful day, and I was knackered.

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