Sunday, 29 September 2013

(a tale of two skin suits in the combined clubs 25 mile TT.)

Stretched Skin Suits, Stretched Stories.

(a tale of two skin suits in the combined clubs 25 mile TT.)

5 am. and I am groping for the alarm clock, can it really be time to get up, it’s pitch black outside yet and I am sorely tempted to get back in bed but manfully resist the temptation.
I move round like a zombie, I am in need of an urgent shot of caffeine and head for the kitchen and put on the fast boil kettle, ah that’s a bit better, the mug of coffee is doing its work.
I sit immobile in the chair, am I mad, have I really entered a twenty five mile time trial, slowly I begin to feel alive, of course I’m doing the time trial, I’m the carrot for the club members to chase.
I deliberately put my name as first man on the Bolton team, if I just lollop round it will make the others feel good as they pass, good for the morale to pass someone on a time trial, as opposed to being passed by anyone and everyone. Today I am the morale booster.
We have a good entry this year, nine in total, and as it is also our club 25 championship it should be an interesting event.
We’ll get to that later, I need my porridge now, boost the carbohydrates, follow it with my daily aspirin and a second mug of coffee then on to my ablutions.
Check bag, all packed and nothing forgotten, hopefully, load the car up, bike, turbo trainer and bag. I am now fully awake and ready to go.
The weather is fine but with a rising wind, the direction of which would seem to be favourable for the circuit, a tail wind across an exposed section that is normally a grovel into the prevailing westerlies. The course is not a bad one if you discount the terrible road surface in one particular section, the problem being it is a circuit and it’s two times round the block so to speak.
On the motorway I have time to plan my ride, just to get round the full 25 miles will seem like an achievement after a summer dogged by a chest infection that seemed at times to be endless.
Right, no heroics, just a steady pace that guarantees a start and a finish, ignore the fly by boys, enter the ‘zone’ and stay there.
The HQ car park is empty bar two cars as I reach Catterall and I notice with dismay the hall is not yet open, I am desperate for a wc, and getting more desperate by the minute. More cars arrive, the Bury clarion boys arrive, turbo trainers are set up then eventually the doors to the hall open  and I am first to dash in and pounce on the loo, ah relief!
Ian Littlewood arrives dressed in the same attire as myself, the red yellow and black skin suits of a few years ago, it is apparent that lycra has a wonderful ability to stretch, and stretch and stretch, Mr Blobby and son have arrived.


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