Monday, 16 December 2013

clarion Christmas do

Well we got away weather wise very nicely today, you see I arranged for it to be nice and dry for the downhill competition, after all it was the final act of organising the Bolton clarion festive event. Everything went as planned, even the unplanned puncture of our elder member John Mann, you cannot have a clarion event without a puncture. On arrival at the Cherry Tree all I wanted was a pee, but as I entered the door all hell broke loose, manager, 'we start in five minutes' 'who's having the steak, do they want well done medium rare or rare', where's Chris Roach?, where's Rodney? here's the newsletters, 'we need two seats together for Geoff and Yvonne', after all that I finally made to the loo, ah, relief. I had thoughtfully taken three copies of the members orders so everyone could overlook the short term memory, one exception, Ray who managed a sweet causing the manager great consternation, it was like someone had robbed the bank, all was settled amicably with the production of four one pound coins.
I managed to get round with the rafflle tickets as sweets were being served and the members responded in a magnificent manner resulting in a £100.00 donation for the Bolton Hospice. Twice as hard as selling the raffle tickets is the folding of self same tickets, Mandy came to my rescue taking around half the tickets whilst I tucked into my by now cold Christmas pud. the lads around me also chipped in with the folding of the tickets. Time for the draw, as Bradley Wiggins famously put it on the Tour de France podium.
I pressed Yvonne Smith into drawing the tickets for the generously donated gifts, most of which came from Geoff and Yvonnes's shop, gracious thanks are offered.
Lunch over the party began to break up but a hardy few had plans to extend their Christmas festivities with the annual cycling booze up, traditionally preceded with a trip back to Rivi Barn for coffee.
On to the Doffcocker pub via Chorley old road in by now driving rain but as it was very mild it was not too much of a discomfort, especially for me and Charlie bringing up the rear on the long drag from Horwich to the crest before Johnson Fold from where it was a long freewheel into the pub yard.
Lots of beer and lots of cheer, it was a splendid end to another wonderful Bolton clarion Christmas event. Again, as last year Charlie and I were the last out of the pub, and began our wibbly wobbly ride home. Fortunately for me once onto the ring road I can virtually freewheel home, Charlie has a bit further to go but by now the rain had ceased so the trip was not at all bad.
For me the the headache is over, and reflecting on the day I can truly say it has all been worthwhile, again. Another great occasion, thoroughly enjoyed with a very positive charitable outcome for the Bolton Hospice, our adopted charity. Wishing all our members a very happy Christmas and New Year.

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