Saturday, 14 December 2013

clarion track night

Clarion Track Night
(and day)

As usual track night was a hit with the riders, Fred Smith doing a sterling job of coaching again, the complete novices definitely getting the biggest buzz, as always.
For the beginner nothing beats conquering the steep banking with heart in mouth and a feeling of impending doom, then gaining in confidence to such a degree they begin to feel comfortable.
Even those with previous experience, the thrill and rush of adrenalin is ever present.
Fred is ever alert to what is going on as riders circle the magic boards, frequent shouts remind those that need reminding, they are under a watchful eye.
Two groups exchange the track, each having time on their own doing the exercises Fred has planned for them, something for everyone and before the night is out all look forward to the ‘one lap sprint’ as a finale.
One by one the flying lap sprints are taken, the beginners in line watch those completing their lap with great interest, wow, the moment of truth, the moment their induction is put to the test.
Times have been relayed by Fred to John Yates, father of the twins newly signed by top pro team Orica Greenedge. John, from Bury clarion, was down on the night as a spectator but volunteered to assist with the timekeeping and despite my plea for him to deduct five seconds from my actual time, he did not.
A great night as usual, all the thrills without the spills, as it should be but unfortunately not always.
The one disappointment was the low numbers attending, but there is always another day and more members wishing to ride the famous boards where so many international records and world events have taken place.

 Just one final note, as the event drew to a finish, I was collecting money, taking names etc, I found myself in a deserted arena and as I changed, one by one the lights were being switched off. Gosh I’d better be quick before I’m locked in for the night and out I rushed. It was only when I got home I realised that the club banner I had put up before the event, (see pic above) had been forgotten, oh my! Saturday morning saw me back at velodrome at 9.45 am. to retrieve the banner, to my surprise, even at that time of the morning the track was packed out with young riders, dozens of them. What a hit this velodrome has been since opening for the Commonwealth games.

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